Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Baliem Valley Festival

Baliem Valley, which is located in Jayawijaya, Papua Province, is one area that has an attraction for tourists, both local and foreign. One thing that makes the famous Baliem Valley is convening Baliem Valley Cultural Festival, better known by the name of the the Baliem Valley Festival.
Baliem valley pestival

In the Baliem Valley Festival, attractions tribal war scenario begins with determining the trigger war. This can be a trigger for war abductions, child murder citizens, as well as the newly opened field invasion. The existence of these triggers, causing the other tribes had to 'revenge', so the raid was carried out. Meanwhile, the opposing party will last, so the battle was taking place with an exclamation.

Mentioned that the attractions of this war do not make revenge or hostility as the theme. The theme is precisely the phrase that is positive, ie Yogotak Hubuluk Motog Hanorogo (hope tomorrow will be better than today).
Baliem Valley Festival was first held in 1989. Prior to this festival, people around the Baliem Valley, which consists of Dani, Lani tribe, and the Yali tribe, still frequent tribal wars. For them, in addition to already become a tradition handed down, the war also has a deep meaning. War is not just a race event tribal strength, but also a symbol of fertility and prosperity. According to their beliefs, if not the war, do not expect to harvest and pigs will succeed.

To avoid casualties and protracted revenge, since twenty years ago, the government imposed a ban on tribal wars. To accommodate the traditions of tribes in Papua, Baliem Valley Festival was made by the government, which includes the war party in it. Baliem Valley Festival, lasts about three days and is held in August. One reason for this feast is held in the month to commemorate the feast of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

In its development, not only the inhabitants of the three tribes who follow the Baliem Valley Baliem Valley Festival, but also other tribes that lived in Jayawijaya. There are about 40 tribes who follow this festival. Each tribe uses traditional dress, complete with face painting. In addition, they also carry weapons of war such as spears, machetes, arrows, and other knick knacks war.

Things to tribal war dance is indeed the main attraction in any implementation of the Baliem Valley Festival. Nevertheless, many other attractions are also very interesting to watch the tourists, such as performances Pikon or traditional musical instruments. The songs are played with this Pikon, usually tells the story of human life. There are also Karapan Pigs are also one of the interesting attractions and often cause the visitor hubbub.
In addition to the above attractions, tourists can also watch an archery contest, throwing Sege (throwing stick to predetermined targets), puradan (game rolling the wheel of wicker), and sikoko (throwing game pawns to specific targets). Competitions, besides attended by participants from various tribes in Jayawijaya District, can also be followed by the tourists who present at the festival.

Baliem Valley Festival held in the Baliem Valley, Wamena district, Jayawijaya District, Papua Province, Indonesia.

To be able to get to the Baliem Valley, visitors must pass through a major airport in Papua province, the Sentani Airport. To achieve Sentani Airport, visitors can access it by using maspakai flights from Jakarta, Surabaya, or Manado. Upon arrival at Sentani airport, visitors can go on with the Hercules aircraft or Twin Otter towards Wamena, the capital city of Jayawijaya.

To watch the festival is free of charge.
Around Wamena District, there are several lodging, even among whom there was already an international class. This is because many foreign tourists are very interested in seeing the Baliem Valley Festival, and enjoy the natural beauty of the Baliem Valley itself.

The Bakar Batu party

The Bakar Batu party has meaning grateful unique traditions and distinctive. and is a traditional ritual performed as a form of Papua thanksgiving for a blessing, wedding, welcome important guests as well as funerals. In addition, the ceremony is also conducted as a proof of peace after an inter-tribal warfare.

bakar batu papua

As the name implies, in cooking and preparing food for the party, the tribes in Papua using a coal. Each region and tribe in Baliem Valley region have its own terms to refer to coal-word. Paniai community call gapii gapii ?? or ?? mogo, Wamena people call oba Isago kit, while the call with barapen Biak society. But it seems barapen be the most common terms used.

Bakar Batu party is also an event to gather for residents. In this party will be seen how high solidarity and the people of Papua. Another meaning of this party is an expression of mutual forgiveness between people.

Feast procession Bakar Batu usually consists of three stages of preparation, roasted pork, and eat together. The preparatory stage begins with the search for fuel wood and stone to be used for cooking. Stone and wood arranged in the following order, at the very bottom styled large stones, on top of it is covered with wood, then laid out again that smaller rocks, and so on until the top is covered with wood. Then the pile of wood burned to burn out and become a hot rock. All this is usually done by men.

At that time, each tribe handed pig. Then in turn the head of a pig archery tribe. When in all pigs arrows straight off, it is a sign that the event will be a success. However, if the pigs did not die, it is believed there is something wrong with the event. If it is a funeral ceremony, usually a few grieving relatives carrying the pig as a symbol of condolence. If not, they will bring packs of tobacco, cigarettes, cooking oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and salted fish. Not to forget, when condolences each must be tight hugging and kissing cheeks.

Elsewhere, women preparing food that will be cooked. Pigs are usually cut from the bottom of the neck to groin hind legs. Entrails and other parts that are not consumed will be issued, while the part that will be cooked cleaned. Similarly, vegetables and tubers.

Places Of Interest In Kyoto

The other man preparing a hole in the amount based on the large number of foods that will be cooked. Bottom of the hole was then covered with reeds and banana leaves. By using a special timber called flops apando, hot stones were arranged on the foliage. After it is then covered with reeds. On top of the reeds and then put the pork. Then closed again with foliage. On top of these leaves were then covered again with a burning stone, and coated with thick grass.

After that, hipere (sweet potato) arranged on it. The next layer is deposited reeds again with a burning stone. Then iprika or leaf vegetables such hipere, tirubug (cassava leaves), kopae (Carica papaya), nahampun (pumpkin machetes), and towabug or hopak (corn) placed on it. It is not enough tubers, sometimes it will be coupled with cuisine barugum pieces (pieces). Furthermore, the hole was backfilled again with a burning grass and stone. Top placed banana leaves sprinkled with ground as a barrier to keep the heat of the stone does not evaporate.
Approximately 60 to 90 minutes of cooking it is ripe. Once cooked, the grass will be opened and the food is in it begun to be issued one by one, then spread on the grass. After lying in the food, there are people who will take the ripe red fruit. Fruit was kneaded until the paste out. Pasta of red fruit poured over pork and vegetables. Salt and flavorings also sprinkle over the dish.

It is time for people to eat a meal that has been cooked and seasoned. All residents will be crowded around the food. Chief will be the first to receive rations in the form of potato and a hunk of pork. Furthermore, all will receive the same rations, both men, women, the elderly, and children. After that, people started eating the food.

Bakar Batu party is the most awaited event by residents inland tribes of Papua. To follow this party they are willing to abandon the fields invitation does not work for days. In addition, they are also willing to spend large amounts of money to finance the party.
This feast is often held in the Baliem Valley, Wamena district, Jayawijaya District, Papua, Indonesia.
However, the certainty of the location of the implementation of this point is uncertain. If as funerals and weddings, parties will be held in homes that have a celebration. However, when this ceremony as a thanksgiving or a peace symbol normally be carried out in the middle of a large field.

Papua geographical conditions, mainly the forests, hills, and mountains, making the access to the location of the holding becomes difficult. For those of you who want to go to Papua, you can use sea or air transport. Here's a list of ships that sailed to Papua:

KM Dorolonda sailing from Surabaya, Makassar, Kupang, Ambon, the consortium, Sorong, Manokwari, Jayapura.

KM Nggapulu sailed from Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Pantolan, Bitung, Ternate, Sorong, Manokwari, Nabire, Serui, Biak, and Jayapura.

KM Labobar sailing from Batam, Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, Sorong, Manokwari, Nabire and Jayapura.

KM Sinabung, which sailed from Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, smells, Banggai, Bitung, Ternate, Sorong, Manokwari, Biak, Serui, Jayapura.

As for you who want to use air transport, you can use the services of the airline Garuda Indonesia Airline (GIA), Merpati Nusantara Airline (MNA), Air Efata, Batavia Air, Express Air, and Water Trigana from Jakarta, Surabaya and Makassar.

If you've arrived in Papua, you can go on using small aircraft Flying to the hinterlands. You also can use off-road car rental.

Visitors who want to see this party is free of charge. However, if it is a party attended for funerals, the guests usually bring souvenirs.

Typically, Bakar Batu party was held in remote places, therefore it is difficult to obtain adequate facilities. However, at least in the city of Wamena, has established several lodgings that you can rent. For your eating problems also do not need to worry, because in this city there are also many restaurants.

For transportation, you can use a small aircraft that serves flights to far into the interior. Moreover, in the town of Wamena also a four-wheeled vehicle rented. If you do not have relatives or acquaintances who can guide you, you can take advantage of a travel agency in the city of Wamena.

Update post :
Cartensz Pyramid

Papua The Paradise Island

If you think Indonesia is no more interesting than the countries in Europe, try a visit to the land of Papua. Indonesia's easternmost island has all the natural beauty that never runs out to explore.

Place Of Interest In Bali

Land and underwater nature into its own paradise for nature enthusiasts. Not only the rich natural, Papua also save a local wisdom that still survive in this modern era. Exploring Papua will certainly be an interesting experience can you tell us to family and friends.

Visit Papua, explore the wealth of their own country. If still confused where to go for there later, the following summary of 10 attractions in Papua that must be visited:

1. Cendrawasih Bay National Park

The national park with an area of ​​1,453,500 hectares, nearly 90% is water. Not surprisingly, the Cendrawasih Bay National Park became the largest marine conservation area and the largest in Indonesia. Here, there are 196 species of molluscs and 209 species of fish that you can see in the underwater realm. Quite often turtles, turtles, sharks and dolphins also accompany you while diving.

Cendrawasih Bay National Park was established in 1993 by the Ministry of Forestry. In addition to enjoying the underwater nature, you can also explore the islands.

Mioswaar Island, one of the islands in Papua tourist place, has a cave with a hot spring with a sulfur content that is worth your visit. In addition Mioswaar Island, there Yoop Island, Numfor, Nusrowi Island and other islands that you should not miss.

This tourist spot is administratively located in two districts namely Wondama and Nabire. The national park is also a research center of the whale shark or whale shark undertaken by the government in cooperation with domestic and foreign NGOs.

More from Papua :
The Bakar Batu Party
Baliem Valley Festival
Cartensz Pyramid

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Monday, April 20, 2015

Places Of Interest In Kyoto, Japan

Japan is one country that is very admirable. Various advantages and benefits of the Rising Sun Country is making it as unitary of the countries that wish to be visited by people from other countries. Ranging from heavy industrial to typical culture. This time I will attempt to give a little reference to Travelicius friends about the place - tourist spots in Japan, especially in the area of ​​Kyoto. Kyoto (京 都市 Kyōto-shi) is a metropolis on the island of Honshu, Japan. The urban center is part of the metropolitan area of ​​Osaka - Kobe - Kyoto. Kyoto has many historic sites and is the capital of Kyoto Prefecture.  Kyoto formerly served as the capital of the Japan and the emperor's residence from 794 until 1868. Now turn-on Kyoto is one of the cities in Japan's seventh-largest state with a population of approximately 1.4 million inhabitants. For centuries, Kyoto repeatedly destroyed by many wars and frequent fires, but because of high historical value, the City of Kyoto is not listed on the list of cities targeted atomic bomb and spared from air raids during World War II. Kyoto has countless Temple, Temple in Kyoto and other historically valuable structure survive in this metropolis. Kyoto city also includes the most beautiful metropolises in the world and has approximately 137 hotels. Here are 10 of the most notable tourist attractions in Kyoto 1. Golden Pavilion Kinkakuji (金 閣 寺 Golden Pavilion Temple) is the usual name for Rokuonji (Temple of the Deer Park 鹿苑 寺?) Is a temple in Kyoto, Japan. The building was built in the years 1397 as a resting villa for Shogun Ashikaga Yoshimitsu. Her son then convert the building into a Zen temple of the Rinzai school. The temple was burned down several times during the Onin War. Building with a distinctive architectural style of Japan is coated with real gold leaf. From a distance, Kinkaku-ji looks shining shimmering in the sun. At night Kinkaku-ji still emits a beautiful ray of reflected light. Located on the edge of a quiet pond, Kinkaku-ji presents amazingly beautiful scenery that can not be found elsewhere. 2. Silver Pavilion Ginkaku-ji (銀 閣 寺), or Temple of the Silver Pavilion is a popular name for Jisho-ji (慈 照 寺, Temple Jisho), a Rinzai sect temple building in the district of Sakyo, Kyoto, Japan. This temple in the shape of a tatchū which is outside the temple complex named Shōkoku-ji. Its official name is Tozan Jisho-ji. Building of the temple was started by the Muromachi shogunate 8th, Ashikaga Yoshimasa, while pioneering the establishment of the temple according to the news was a monk named Muso Soseki. However Muso Soseki lived a century before becoming shogun Yoshimasa, so that this temple was built by the student possibility Muso Soseki to borrow the name of the teacher. Although named Pavilion Silver, building this temple did not coated with silver. The figure is derived from the original plan for the building coat with silver paper, but the plan was not accomplished until Ashikaga Yoshimasa died. 3. Fushimi Inari Shrine Fushimi Inari Taisha (伏 見 稲 荷 大 社) is a Shinto shrine located diFushimi-ku, Kyoto, Japan. This temple is a shrine to the center of 40,000 that glorify Inari shrines. The main temple (Honden) at the base of Mount Inari, and land owned by the temple include 233 meter high mountains. In this temple Ukanomitama glorified together companion, Satahiko no Okami, Ōmiyanome no Okami, Tanaka no Okami, and Shi no Okami (四 大 神). Inari is believed to be the deity of agriculture, so that the temple is believed to bring blessings to harvest crops, success in business trade, and safety in transportation. Fushimi Inari Shrine looks bright and bold with bright red sunglasses. 4. Kiyomizu Temple The Kiyomizu - dera Temple was constructed in 1633. This demanded the name of the waterfall that flows disturbing hill. Kiyomizu means pure or holy water. while whipping = tera means the temple. Kyoto identical to Kiyomizu-dera. Among the early 2000s, large and small temples scattered in Kyoto Kiyomizu-dera is the main and largest temple in Kyoto (or maybe in Japan). The peculiarity of this temple is not a single nail is used in its structure. The primary building is made of wood with a wide veranda supported wooden pillars on the side of a hill. Underneath scenic stretches of lush green trees. In the distance, looked vaguely Kyoto. Kiyomizu-dera is an ancient Buddhist temple, which was constructed in 780 during the Heian period and has 10 times the damage or burns due to war or natural disaster. Behind the main temple there Jishu-Jinja shrine called Gods betrothal, and in front of the temple there are two rocks are often called "Stone Blind" and "Stone Forecasters Love". In the fall, Kiyomizu Temple building jet-black looks much more beautiful because it was hemmed in by trees reddish. 5. Nijo Castle Like castles in Japan in general, you will examine the regularity and beautiful garden in it, following the building of ancient Japanese architecture course. Nijo castle consists of two concentric rings castle is Ninomaru Palace and the downfalls of the Palace Honmaru. In summation, the castle of 8,000 square meters is supported in several buildings and a beautiful garden. Nijo Castle was constructed on an area of ​​flat 275,000 square meters. While the rest are broad fields protected by two strata of the fort. Not just the castle, Nijo Castle is also surrounded by a wide moat as a form of defense against enemy attack. 6. Hall Sanjusangendo Kiyomizu Temple is one of the Buddhist temples in the urban center of Kyoto. Kiyomizu name which means the Hall 33 ken symbolizes that resembles the form of the building temple hall all 33 poles. The principal collection is the statue Sahasrabhuja Sanjusangendo Hall-Arya Avalokitesvara or Kannon Thousand-Arm. Kiyomizu Hall also save 1,000 Thousand Arm of Kannon statue neatly lined up 10 rows and 50 pillars. 7. Kiyomizu-dera Kiyomizu-dera is an ancient Buddhist temple, Kiyomizu-dera was built in 798 and has 10 times the damage or burns due to warfare or natural disaster. Name that has meaning Kiyomizu-dera temple holy water comes from springs which until now has never been dried and kept flowing in Kiyomizu-dera is told to have efficacy as a repellent demons, carrier blessing, giving offspring, success in this .Kiyomizudera visitors printed in Unesko as historic temples of Kyoto Japan. 8. Arashiyama Located in the west of the city of Kyoto, famous for its expanse Arashumaya bamboo grove which is amazing. Sound of bamboo trees rubbing together as the wind makes this place into a very popular tourist attraction. 9. To-ji Five-level pagoda which is the tallest wooden tower in Japan and is a symbol of the city of Kyoto popularity. 10. Kyoto Tower Kyoto Tower is a Japanese tourist in the city of Kyoto are interesting. Kyoto Tower is the tallest building in Kyoto .Kyoto Tower 131m.131 m high achieving this is based on the total population at the time was built 1,310,000. This high-rise buildings have never felt many times greatness of a tornado. Additionally Kyoto tower also has survived the great earthquake which has a strength of 5 scale litcher.Hal-it proves the greatness of technology and the ability of the Japanese to build this 131m high building.

Places Of Interest In Osaka

Once we have discussed yesterday tourist sites in Kyoto, now we visited Osaka. Osaka (大阪 市 Ōsaka-shi, Osaka City) is a city in the Kansai region of Japan. Apart from being the capital city of Osaka Prefecture, the city was designated as one of the City Selected by the Local Autonomy Law.

Osaka is the third largest populated city in Japan after Tokyo and Yokohama. It is on the island of Honshu, at the mouth of the Yodo River on Osaka Bay. Osaka is the largest city in the region as a center Keihanshin industrial and port for the metropolitan area of ​​Osaka - Kobe - Kyoto. In the east, neighboring Osaka Kyoto and Nara, and on the west by the city of Kobe. (

Of the many tourist attractions in Osaka, here I show 10 attractions that most people enjoy doing in Japan

1. The Osaka Museum of Oriental Ceramics

Museum of Oriental Ceramics save some valuable collection of objects made of ceramic and come from neighboring countries, namely Korea and China. And the history of the development of ceramics is distinguished by age and age that occurred in their respective countries.

To visit this tourist area, you can use the train that you can use to go to this tourist area. By using the Midosuji Subway Line, you can stop at Yodoyabashi Station and walk for 5 to 8 minutes to the Museum of Oriental Ceramics it.

Quite easy to find the tourist area. With the simple shape of the building and rely on a beautiful brick exposure, certainly makes the Museum of Oriental Ceramics has a charm of its own. Simply by paying 500 yen * the visitors could enter this tourist area to see and enjoy the atmosphere and the stories of history that can be found here.

On the first floor of the Museum of Oriental Ceramics contains reception hall and a museum shop and Tea Salon that can be found when entering this tourist area. The first floor area is more on the contents of the service area.

And if you want to immediately enjoy the exhibitions and galleries are also located here, you can go to the second floor which has a wide range of areas or gallery space where store various objects made of ceramic history and from various countries around the region this tour.

So, it is suitable for you who want to vacation at the same time add knowledge about art.

2. Osaka Castle Park

Remnants during the Edo era itself can still be seen and visited by tourists to see how the greatness of Osaka in sustaining life in Japan. One of the historic sites that you can visit while in Osaka is Osaka Castle Park which has a fairly high historical value.

Osaka Castle (大阪 城 Ōsaka-jo) is a palace in Osaka Castle Park, district of Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan. Osaka Castle is in the extreme north region Uemachi, occupying the highest ground locations compared to the surrounding area.

Osaka Castle is a cultural heritage building that is protected by the Japanese government. The main tower of Osaka Castle is a towering symbol of the city of Osaka.

When you want to visit there some alternative transportation, if you are departing from Kansai-kuko Station, there are two paths you can use options to Osaka Castle Park this.

The first use of Nankai Kuko Line and Hanwa Line. If you are using Nankai Kuko Line, you must transit or change lanes 2 times. Namba station, you must change the path to Subway Midosuji Line which will take you in the direction of Honmachi Station.

And at this station you will switch back to using the Subway Chuo Line which will bring you to Tanimachi 4 Chome Station, followed by a walk for 8 to 10 minutes.

Meanwhile, if you use an Hanwa Line, you only need one transit in Tennoji Station and switch to the JR Osaka Loop Line path that will bring you to Osakajo Koen Station. While the length of time of the Kansai-kuko Station either direction Tanimachi 4 Chome Station and Osakajo Koen Station is almost the same, and it all depends on you who want to use the track in accordance with the taste.

3. Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan

To visit Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan is, can the use of buses and trains. There are several choices of train lines that you can use. Subway Chuo Line and Technoport Line will be ready to take you to get to one of the region's educational tours. And in this Tempozan area, you can visit the Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan that you can enjoy its beauty.

Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan started operations from 10 AM to 8 PM.

To visit one of these educational tours, you are required to spend around 2,000 yen for adults and 900 yen for children. And if you visit Osaka Aquarium Kaiyukan abuzz about 15 people more, it is advisable to buy tickets for the group that will cost you around 1,800 yen per person.

In the giant aquarium maintained whale sharks. This aquarium has a collection of about 580 marine species Asia Pacific region.

4. Universal Studios Japan

Universal Studios Japan, is a playground in Osaka, Japan which opened in 2001. The playground is a Universal Studios theme park first opened outside the territory of the United States. This amusement park consists of 9 area, with 18 points and 20 thematic restaurants. In addition to economically available season tickets, there are also available VIP season tickets at a price that is more expensive, with the queue-free facility at each attraction.

To go to Universal Studios, you can use the railway or railway lines and buses are ready to take you to visit one of The greatest playground in Osaka. However it is suggested to use the train line that has a faster time than using the bus.

If you are from Kansai International Airport, you can use the train that will take about 10 to 15 minutes. And enough with 1,130 yen, the train is ready to take you to get to Universal Studios. Meanwhile, if using the bus, you will take approximately 45 minutes. Coupled with the more expensive cost around 1,300 yen. But the pull of using buses is that you can enjoy the scenery and the unique atmosphere of Osaka city and has a special impression that can not be forgotten.

Meanwhile, if you depart from the downtown area of ​​Osaka, the price to board a train and bus to get to the Universal Studios lot cheaper. If you are from Shin - Osaka, you can simply spend 210 yen. Meanwhile, if you depart from Tenoji, you just pay 190 yen. (Prices subject to change at any time)

One of the rides that you can find when visiting the region's tourist playground is the Space Fantasy - The Ride. From the name alone of course you already guessed that this vehicle will be associated with the name of the star, outer space, to the galaxies.

In Space Fantasy - The Ride, visitors will be invited to an adventure into space penetrate the stars and see some planets as you can hold. Visitors are asked to save the sun that reportedly damaged. And Space Fantasy - The Ride is ready to resolve the issue. An exciting experience of course.

Ready for a real adventure ???

5. Dotonbori

Dotonbori (道 頓 堀) is a gastronomic center, shopping and entertainment on the south side of the canal Dotonbori, Osaka, Japan. Along the road between the bridge and the bridge Dotonbori Nipponbashi have a variety of restaurants and entertainment facilities.

As a symbol of the city of Osaka, Dotonbori has been repeatedly used as the location of Japanese films and foreign films. Billboards and neon lights decorate large buildings restaurants and nightclubs on the edge of Dotonbori Canal. Center of attention of tourists who come to Dotonbori, including crab billboard Kani Douraku, lanterns Zuboraya fugu restaurant, neon Glico, and special snacks Osaka (okonomiyaki, takoyaki, and udon).

For those who are on vacation to visit Osaka and Dotonbori, you will feel the loss. Because here you can find a variety of restaurants, cafes and a variety of famous landmarks in Osaka this.

To visit one of the most famous tourist area in Osaka, you can use the train line that will take you in the direction of the Dotonbori. If you use the train line, you have to stop at Namba Station, followed by walking into the Dotonbori direction can be taken for 5 to 8 minutes.

6. Floating Garden Observatory

Floating Garden Observatory Osaka is one of the most popular sightseeing tourists in full swing. Located in Building Umeda (梅田 ス カ イ ビ ル Umeda Love Blue) which is the 12th tallest building in Osaka. Consists of 2 units of 40-story building and on the top two floors there is a bridge that connects the two.

Her Observatory is on the bridge, which is circular so that visitors can enjoy a 360 degree view of Osaka.

Tickets come in here without using unlimited pass charged 700 yen for adults and 300 yen for children of school age.

Floating Garden it appears it is suitable for people who are in love, romantic dim atmosphere. Viewing booths comfortable and designed to provide a little privacy. When standing, can be used up to 4 people together in one booth, to sit more comfortably together.

Love Lock here is padlocks bearing the name of spouse, usually paired around the hand rail bridges, fences, or other public places to express love.

Sometimes seen as a nuisance vandalism, because littering public places and difficult to remove.

In this Observatory provided special places to put love lock, so it does not interfere with the comfort and cleanliness of the place, one of them in love this sanctuary.

7. National Bunraku Theater

Bunraku is the traditional Japanese art of moving dolls. For those who want to see the show Bunraku, National Bunraku Theater is definitely the best place. Available in English program.

National Bunraku Theatre (Kokuritsu Bunraku Gekijo) is a complex consisting of two rooms and exhibit space, located in Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan. The complex opened in 1984 as the fourth state of the National Theatre, the headquarters bunraku. Japan Arts Council, an independent administrative institution Ministry of education, culture, sports, science and technology, operate the National Theatre.

8. Osaka Museum of Housing and Living

For those who are quite curious to see aspects and history contained in Osaka, you can visit the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living that will bring you explore the city of Osaka from time to time.

Osaka Museum of housing and living in a building area of ​​Osaka City Urban Redevelopment and Housing Beaureau. In this building, Osaka residents will get the services on how to build a building healthy and clean and comfortable and does not take an open area that became one of the focal point of the country of Japan itself.

To go to Osaka City Urban Redevelopment and Housing Beaureau this, you can use the train line that will take you to get to Tenjunbashisuji Rokuchome Station, followed by walking for 30 minutes.

Osaka Museum of Housing and Living is on floors 8 to 10 buildings Osaka City Urban Redevelopment and Housing Beaureau this. So if you want directly see how the development of Osaka city from time to time, you can go directly to the 8th floor of this. To enter the informative historical sites, you are required to spend around 600 yen * to be able to enjoy all kinds of information offered by the Osaka Museum of Housing and Living this.

On the 8th floor, the visitor will immediately be given an atmosphere of Osaka city in the past three periods. The first period is the atmosphere of the city of Osaka and Osaka people's lifestyles in the Meiji era, where Japan is heading into the modern era.

9. Mino Park

One of the tourist area showing the other side of Osaka is Mino Park. This tourist area is one of the national parks that there are various kinds of beauty around the tourist areas. And Mino Park ready to spoil the tourists who vacation in Osaka with a green and beautiful scenery found here.

Mino National Park or commonly called Mino Park is in the northern region of Osaka or more precisely in the Mino district which is about 15 miles from downtown Osaka. Mino National Park has an area of ​​approximately 963 hectares of hilly and mountainous area with views of green trees that have leaves colors ranging from green and the typical color of cherry blossoms become scenery that can be found when visiting Mino National Park.

With a 30-minute walk from Mino Station, you can already see how the beauty offered by the tourist area of ​​Osaka's national parks. Approximately 980 types of shade trees that have leaves that are quite dense, you can see the protected forest areas that meet the region's tourist Mino National Park. Invite family and your friends when visiting this tourist area.

10. Nagai Park

Nagai Park tourist area itself is around Higashi Sumiyoshi koen. To visit the tourist area Nagai Park which has an area of ​​approximately 65.7 hectares, you can use the Midosuji Subway Line train toward Nagai Station or JR Hanwa Line towards Tsurugaoka Station that you can continue to walk for 10 minutes.

And when you enter Nagai Park is a tourist area, you can find a wide range of facilities that you can enjoy. In this tourist area also contained one of the magnificent stadium that was used for football matches of the 2002 World Cup stadium named Nagai Stadium is becoming one of the facilities that can be found when it is in this tourist area.

Nagai Park is having a wide range of sports facilities as well as the botanical garden area you can visit here.

About Japan

Japan (Japanese: 日本 Nippon / Nihon, official name: Nipponkoku / Nihonkoku sound listens) is an island country in East Asia. Located at the western end of the Pacific Ocean, to the east of the Sea of ​​Japan, and next door to the People's Republic of China, Korea, and Russia. The most northern islands in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and the southernmost region in the shape of a group of small islands in the East China Sea, precisely in the southern Okinawa neighboring Taiwan. Japan consists of 6.852 islands which make it an island. Main islands from north to south are Hokkaido, Honshu (the largest island), Shikoku, and Kyushu. About 97% of Japan's land area are in the fourth biggest island. Most of the islands in Japan is mountainous, and some of which are volcanic. Japan's highest mountain is Mount Fuji which is a volcano. Japan's population of 128 million people, and is ranked the 10th most populous nation in the world. Tokyo is the de facto capital of Japan, and serves as a prefecture. Greater Tokyo Area is the epithet for the city of Tokyo and several surrounding prefectures are in. As the biggest metropolitan area in the world, Greater Tokyo Area has a population of over 30 million people. According to traditional mythology, Japan was established by Emperor Jimmu in the 7th century BC. Emperor Jimmu start a string of Japanese monarchy unbroken until now. However, throughout its history, for most of the time, real power was in the hands of members of the palace, shogun, the military, and entered the modern era, in the hands of the prime minister. Granting to the Constitution of Japan in 1947, Japan is a constitutional monarchy under the leadership of the Emperor of Japan and the Japanese Parliament. As developed countries in economy, Japan has a gross domestic product of the second largest after the United States, and included in the top three in balance ability shopping. Japan is a member of the United Nations, G8, OECD and APEC. Japan has sufficient military force complete with modern defense systems such as AEGIS and divulging large fleet destroyers. In foreign trade, Japan is ranked 4th largest exporting country and ranked the 6th largest importing country in the world. For developed countries, the population of Japan has a high standard of living (ranked 8th in the Human Development Index) and the highest life expectancy in the world, according to UN estimates. In the field of technology, Japan is a developed country in the field of telecommunications, engineering, and robotics.

List of Tourist Attractions in Tokyo

List of Tourist Attractions in Tokyo Rated 1. Akihabara Tourist Attractions in Tokyo are Often Referred to with this Akiba, is a tourist place in the pattern of regional shopping center located electronics around Akihabara Station, Tokyo, Japan. For lovers of electronic goods this place must be visited. Particularly for Those who have a hobby with manga, anime, or video games, this place is paradise. The shops are here to furnish a variety of electronic tools that are very complete once. To get to this place, visitors can use railway transportation from Tokyo Station to Station Akihabara, in just 5 minutes. In addition to electronic lovers paradise, especially the manga and anime, this space IS ALSO quite beautiful are visited at night. 2. Chidorigafuchi Tourist Attractions in Tokyo this one includes sites in Tokyo's most popular and most visited by tourists. Chidorigafuchi is a sort of place where a walk, equipped with a small ditch or river long enough. This is where tourists can savor the beauty of the famous Sakura flowers with a number of very much. To enjoy the visitors can use the boat and down the ditch along the Chidorigafuchi this. With more than 250 Sakura tree trunks in this situation. Thus Spake do not be surprised if when Sakura flowers bloom in spring, its beauty is undeniable. Places named for birds or bird Chidori kettle, the which is shaped like the figure of the trench is precisely located west of the Japanese Imperial Palace in Chiyoda, Tokyo. 3. Tokyo Disneyland Tourist Attractions in Tokyo next Tokyo Disneyland in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Place of approximately 465,000 square feet has owned the Disneyland park, playground first built outside its original country items, namely the United States. Such as Disneyland in other countries, tourist Attractions in Tokyo this one so much Also Provides rides, family playing very recommended, especially for Reviews those of you WHO invite young children. Tokyo Disneyland must be seen by the tourists WHO visit to Tokyo with the family. Children are insured to be satisfied when visiting this place. 4. Tokyo DisneySea Tokyo DisneySea is one of the tourist Attractions in Tokyo roommate's IS ALSO a tourist park for families in the Tokyo Disney Resort. Somewhat different from his brother Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea offers beautiful water rides. Here, visitors will be crossed with a number of various kinds of water adventure rides. And just as Tokyo Disneyland, Tokyo DisneySea Also Be in Urayasu, Chiba Prefecture, Japan. 5. Ginza Ginza is a tourist spot in Tokyo the which is one of the posh areas. Here there are a number of large shopping centers that sell fashion products of various world famous brands. Thus Spake, this place IS ALSO known as a center serving Japanese fashion. For tourists WHO desire to hunt for the latest fashion creations of the designers of the fashion world, then this place is a tourist spot in Tokyo that must be visited. Even in the world Also has the famous Ginza area as the most élite fashion in Japan. 6. Hachiko Tourist Attractions in Tokyo this one is fairly unique. Hachiko is the name of a pawl that is immortalized as a statue of a dog named after the original name is Hachiko. The story of Hachiko the dog is a real-touching story and always remembered by the people of Japan. That is why the statue in Shibuya Train Station is very popular in Tokyo. Hachiko is a hound belonging to a professor at Tokyo Imperial WHO Teaches University, is Professor Hidesaburo Ueno. Hachiko supposedly living in the year 1923 - 1935 is always faithful to deliver the employer that the professor to the Shibuya train station every morning. And every afternoon he will forever be loyal to pick up the employer's home on the same train station as well. Even when the professor Died Suddenly on campus. Hachiko, who does not understand if the employer has gone bad, still faithful to the employer at the station waiting for 3 days, and without wanting to eat. 6. Tokyo Tower (Tokyo Tower) Tokyo Tower or Often Referred to as the Tokyo Tower is a space in the form of Tourism in Tokyo TV and radio towers are quite high at 332.6 meters. The Orange transmitter tower is indeed very striking Because it is in between other buildings that are not excessively high. The tower has Become the mascot and symbol of Tokyo. And perhaps almost like the Eiffel Tower in Paris, France, the pillar IS ALSO Often used as the object image for the tourists in the city of Tokyo. 7. Ueno Park (Ueno Park) Travel Ueno Park is a park in Tokyo in the form used for the public. In this park visitors can spend time here to savor the beauty of the lotus flower. And still in the spring of the tourists will be spoiled by the beauty of the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. In that respect IS ALSO A fairly large garden pond in the southern part of the park, named Swimming Shinobazu. This pond will be filled with lotus flowers, green leaves, and small birds migrating in spring. And so the time is strongly recommended to visit this park is during the early arrival of spring in late March to early April, where the cherry blossoms are blooming. 8. Ueno Zoo Ueno Zoo is a tourist spot in Tokyo, the which is likewise in Ueno Park area. Ueno Zoo is the oldest zoological garden in Japan, the which has a collection of rare animals of about 500 species. And like Ueno Park, Ueno Zoo IS ALSO very much visited by tourists. 9. Tokyo Dome and Tokyo Dome City Tokyo Dome is a space in the form of Tourism in Tokyo arena, baseball stadium in the Bunkyo, Tokyo. This large stadium can accommodate 55,000 visitors. Tokyo Dome IS ALSO in the area of ​​the Tokyo Dome City is a place that is used for a variety of events, both sports and entertainment. Also in this station held football games, basketball, wrestling, racing trucks, concerts, horse racing, etc. And at the Tokyo Dome City IS ALSO equipped with an entertainment center, playground, resorts, spas, theaters, and so forth. 10. Tsukiji Fish Market (Tsukiji Market) Tsukiji Market is a fish market, the which is where Tourism in Tokyo, the which is Also the center of the sale of all forms of marine products Reviews such as fish, shrimp, squid, and others. Likewise is a central market of agricultural products, Reviews such as vegetables and fruits. What is interesting Also in the grocery store in the area of ​​Tsukiji, Chuo district, Tokyo, Japan, visitors can find a lot of restaurants that provide a menu of seafood, especially sushi. Besides the attraction Tsukiji Market Fish Auction is happened here. Various uniqueness in tourist spots in Tokyo this makes Tsikiji market is really crowded with tourists.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Places Of Interest in Bali (2)

Places of Interest in West Bali
The interesting objects you can visit in the Western part of this beautiful island include:  

  West Bali National Park

  These attractions are in the two districts of Jembrana and Buleleng. Wildlife that is complete enough to save the natural resources of both animals and plants. Even at this location are rare animals such as the Bali Starling very few. National Park in the western part of Bali region has three zones namely: the core zone, where visitors are not allowed to enter this zone as a place of research and development. The second zone is the zone of the jungle and tourists still be released for adventure. Last zone in this park is the intensive use zone that is in the interests of culture and tourism, including the area of ​​this zone is Menjangan Island, Gulf Accept, Prapat Agung, Bakungan, and Klatakan.

    Surf Spot Madewi Beach 
  For tourists who like to play surfing, beach Medewi in the western part of the island of Bali, is the answer to the satisfaction of running hobby. Many foreign tourists who always return to this tourist spot because the waves were big and not easily broken down to the edge. Location Medewi beach is in Jembrana area, which you can visit by traveling as far as 72 kilometers from Denpasar. Medewi beach you can also enjoy the beautiful view of the sunset is not inferior to the sunset at Tanah Lot Bali. And other activities are sunbathing, although it must be smart to choose the location for fur animals are found Pigs and conditions of the rocky coast.
Places of Interest in North Bali
The following information interesting objects that you must visit when traveling to northern Bali, Among them: 
  Lovina Beach
Been to Bali Lovina Beach has its own unique experience for tourists. Because of these attractions is a habitat for dolphins are benign. If you visit one of the beautiful beaches in Bali, it is advisable to stay one night. Because to be able to see the dolphins in the open sea, the best time is in the morning around 6 am until hours 9. And here too there are captive dolphin attractions that give the show a few times a day. So if on the high seas you do not see this intelligent animal (usually because of the weather), then you can see its attractions near the hotel. The location of the beach which is about 100 kilometers from the Kuta area, in the northern part of Bali, close to Buleleng. If you stay around Bali Lovina beach, then you can also visit some interesting sights that stood by. Among Gitgit Waterfall, lake Tamblingan, and Bedugul. 
  Cool in Kintamani Tourism 
Tourist attractions in the area of ​​Bangli in Bali this is the best location to enjoy the beauty of the lake and Mount Batur. Kintamani can be reached from the city of Denpasar approximately 2 hours drive, precisely at the location called Penelokan. Visited attractions Kintamani course to witness the scenic beauty of mountains, lakes, and stopped by the restaurant-restaurant is available as a lunch spot. At lunch time, the area is filled with tourists, both domestic and foreign. If you are interested in visiting the region of Kintamani, the best advice together with visiting Ubud in the morning.  
Gitgit Waterfall 
Tourist attractions in northern Bali capable of dazzling domestic and foreign tourists Gitgit waterfall is located near Singaraja. Regions beautiful waterfall is in Gitgit, sub Sukasada, Buleleng, Bali. From Singaraja town is 11 km to the south. Meanwhile, if you depart from Denpasar is 90 km. Height of the waterfall is 35 meters, and this is the highest on the island of Bali. If you depart from Kuta or Denpasar, the journey will be done through Bedugul and then you descend the mountain which has beautiful views up to the waterfalls Gitgit.
You are interested in visiting the entire vacation spot that became the pride of the tour on the island? Make sure provide sufficient time on your vacation. This region still keep dozens of interesting objects to be missed. Immediately call your travel agent to arrange subscription trips super holiday in this beautiful island.

Back Places Of Interest In Bali


Places Of Interest in Bali (1)

List of tourist draws that we present on the Island of Bali is the most preferred object and as a must for travelers to visit. In a package tour provided travel agents, usually scenic spots is included in the visit schedule. No wonder the location of this tour as an icon in the brochures, promotions or activities carried out on the island, usually displaying images of some of the objects that we present below. We intentionally set based on the compartmentalization of the area comprising the South area, Central , East, West and North Bali, let you easily determine the route visits as well as a strategic location to stay.
Places of Interest in South Bali
The interesting objects that exist in the southern region comprising an area of ​​Kuta, Tabanan, Uluwatu and Nusa Dua are:   
Beach and Pura Tanah Lot

tanah lot , Bali island
   Pura moment that seemed to be in the middle of the ocean is a center point of the stunning beauty of the mascot a beach resort on the island of Bali. All visitors would make the temple of Tanah Lot Bali and surrounding coral beach as background images of objects happiness together friends, family or selfie especially at sunset . Heading into the cool tourist attractions in Bali is not difficult, it's just that it took about 30 minutes drive from Denpasar towards the village Beraban in Tabanan area. The journey from Denpasar Bali to the mainland coast a distance of approximately 25 kilometers. And if you come to this place, it is recommended during the celebration of the feast Odalan or temples in this seaside. And is adjacent to the celebration day of Galungan and Kuningan.   
Kuta Beach Bali   

kuta beach ,bali
Kuta Beach is in Badung regency. Extensive sub-district of Kuta is 17.52 sq km. The journey from the airport is only about 10-15 minutes. In this district there are many locations wonderful tourist places. Call it Kerobokan, Seminyak and Legian. If we ask the tourists who come here, always answer "always party in a whole day". Usually when on vacation a few days on the island, visitors looking for lodging in this place. The best tips if you visit this place is coming by plane in the morning, and when I got home a few days later with the afternoon flight. When the last day, use your time playing the waves all day until satisfied.  
  Legian Kuta Bali  

legian kuta bali island
  There are dozens of places in the form of a café, bar, pub, restaurant and discotheque that line that never "sleep" at night. Even if you are into this famous Legian street during the day, even more quiet atmosphere. Nightlife as the most popular hangout places this was having a difficult time when terrorists destroyed the two famous café in Legian. It lies just next door to the famous Kuta beach, make Legian street as a gathering place for tourists from all over the world laid to rest after a day of traveling to see the beauty of other tourist attractions.   
The Romance Jimbaran Beach

  This beach is made such that the romantic atmosphere created special memories for you. Each table was given a candle is placed inside the glass around the table there are torches are laid out nicely. For couples that reservation in order honeymoon or traveled to celebrate Valentine's Day, then the manager of the restaurant in Jimbaran Bali usually set your own table on the beach, and the white sand beaches sprinkled with rose and heart-shaped candles around the table where dinner. Want? You definitely want to visit the sites of Bali this romantic, is not it?  
  Beach Pandavas  

secret beach pandavas bali
  These sights into the South Kuta area known as the exotic sea. As a "secret beach" object which is dominated by the color white as chalk cliffs soil conditions, this place is new which is explored as a tourist Bali. Upon entering this area, then you will be greeted by two large rock wall. After that, on one of the cliffs as if there were six statues welcome your presence. The statue of intangibles such as knight pandawa five and accompanied goddess kunti. Here, tourists prefer to play paragliding or swim and play water with the canoe. Pandawa beach is not an appropriate location for playing surf because the waves broke before it gets to the edge.  
  Garuda Wisnu Kencana  
  Local artist's masterpiece has a height of 75 meters by 60 meters wide. GWK sculpture consists of a mixture of steel and copper have become a symbol of pride and proof that this island has a tribute to the culture and art is very high. It lies in the south of the island is quite close to the airport Ngurah Rai. To the location of these places only takes about 15 minutes drive from the airport. From here, you can enjoy the beauty of the sunset in shades of others. During this time the tourists are identical to enjoy the sunset on the beach. Though sunlight in the afternoon also quite exotic hit Garuda Wisnu Kencana statue of this gallant.  

Tanjung Benoa 

sea walker tanjong benoa bali
   Games provided in cape coast Benoa Bali is very varied and guaranteed you satisfied with family and friends when visiting this holiday object. Local authorities seem to deliberately make this beach as a tourist location centrally water sport. As a complete game, we noted several attractions exciting game that you can do this in Tanjung Benoa. Among them: Banana Boat, Sea Walker, Rolling Donut, Flying Fish, Wakerboard and exciting game more thrilling. You are interested to try it? Try to book tickets online game because it is cheaper.   
Kecak Dance at Uluwatu  
kecak dance bali
  The existence of interesting objects in South Bali Uluwatu temple was never off the Kecak dance performance dazzling twilight. Even the beautiful sunset on a beach cliff backdrop unbeatable performance. Uluwatu temple stands firmly on the rock that juts into the sea with a height of approximately 90 meters. Rocky cliffs around the temple provides incredible scenery and very indulgent eyes of the tourists who visit it. Location sights Uluwatu temple is in the village of Pecatu sub-district of Kuta Badung, Bali.
Places of Interest in Central Bali
The holiday objects of interest in central Bali region (central) are as follows:   
Highlands Ubud   
higland ubud bali
Many interesting objects that you must visit when coming to Ubud Bali. Diverse tourist spots in the middle of a cool atmosphere and fresh air typical of the mountains will spoil your eyes. In the highlands, traditional Balinese art is very strong look. Moreover, some of the art market is in the popular Ubud area. In addition you can also visit the museum of the famous painter and sculptor, playing rafting on the Ayung river, visiting the object Puri Agung, Goa Gajah, Monkey Forest, and even you can also sample the culinary delights such as resto bengil duck and suckling pig stalls bu very famous Oka . We will review the tourist attractions in the Ubud area in particular. 
   Pura Dalem Agung Padangtegal

Location Wenara right in Ubud Monkey Forest. Actually, the name of the temple is not very understood by visitors. This place is very popular on the front is the presence of monkey forest (Wenara wana travel). And if you want to go deeper into the middle of the grandeur of the temple Dalem Agung Padangtegal appear radiated. Tourist attractions in Bali is quite important and is often used as the location of a religious ceremony in the temple as other areas. And one of the interesting objects that are often used as a place to take pictures is the statue of "child vampire" is quite famous in this temple.   

Travel Bali Bird Park  
  Other attractions are favored by tourists is the Bali Bird Park. The chirping of thousands of birds seemed overjoyed at the presence of visitors. shaped object that this bird park has an area of ​​two acres which houses more than 1000 birds of 250 different species of birds. In addition to birds, in places which are favored by these children, you also can see the various types of tropical plants totaling about 2,000 species. Location Bali bird park is on Sergeant Major Street Cok Ngurah Gambir Singapadu, Batubulan Gianyar, Bali. If you depart from the tourist area of ​​Kuta beach will take in 50 minutes, with the condition do not experience congestion.
Places of Interest in East Bali
The objects of interest as a holiday destination in the Eastern region of the island of Bali are:  

  Bali Nusa Lembongan  
  The place is relatively new tourist explored. It is located about 2 kilometers from Nusa Penida and are in Bali strait bordering Lombok. So if you want to visit Nusa Lembongan, should provide full time one day. Here, you can do diving, snorkeling, sunbathing, enjoying the beauty of the blue lagoon, reviewing seaweed fields, as well as an interesting visit traditional houses and even underground home. People here are friendly enough and will accompany you around the island if needed. Here is also available which is quite exciting rides, including you can try a speed boat, banana boats and other water sport activities. Exciting games available on this pontoon you can only enjoy if you follow the tour with a luxury cruise provided by the private sector.  

  Sanur Beach  
  Photo enthusiasts sunrise  certainly agree that the location of Bali Sanur beach tourism is one of the best shooting. Sanur has a tidal number of visitors in attendance. If it had a lot to come to this place to play "water sports", the game has now been moved to another place. Currently the traveler who traveled to Sanur usually just intended to enjoy the sunrise, cultural activities and interests to cross to the island of Nusa Lembongan. Some tourists also make this area as a place to reflect, reminisce and rest because it is far from the bustle of the atmosphere of the nightlife like in Legian.  

  Pura Agung Besakih  
  One of the great temple in Bali are the largest and most visited by tourists is Besakih. The place of worship is not only visited by followers of Hindu religion alone, but also wowed everyone. Location of Besakih in the district of Rendang, Karangasem regency, East Bali. From Ngurah Rai airport to this place takes about 2.5 hours to travel 75 kilometers. Usually a visit to a place of worship is united with traveled to visit Ubud or Batur Kintamani and, in order to become more effective and travel. If you are a woman, you should not being in a state of menstruation and dress modestly covered in honor of this holy place.  

  Bali Safari and Marine Park  
  The location of this tourist spot in the road Prof. Dr. Ida Bagus Mantra KM 19.8. And the bypass road is really easy to find tourists who want to see the most comprehensive collection of species in central and eastern part of Indonesia. Bali Safari & Marine Park (BSMP) located in Gianyar is considered by many parties, together with the TSI Cisarua and Prigen. But for those who have visited them, there were many significant differences although managed by the same party. Here, visitors are prohibited to enter the car into the Safari Park. Visitors are welcome to use vehicles provided by the park manager. In addition, the concept of marine park provided here are also different from those in the TSI Cisarua. Here, you can also see Piranha fish are highly malignant.

 Next  Places interest Of Bali (2)

Bali Island

Bali island
Bali is a dream and an ideal destination for those who want a break from the routine of work or the atmosphere of the city. The island is also perfect for enjoying a honeymoon, relax with family or friends.
The total area of ​​Bali Province is 5636.66 km² or 0.29% of total area of ​​the Republic of Indonesia. Bali Province is administratively divided into nine districts / cities, 55 districts and 701 villages / wards.
With a population of 3.89 million  in 2010, the Balinese are Hindus most. A total of 93.18% of the people adheres to Balinese Hinduism, while the rest are Muslims, Christians, and Buddhists.


 Although there are no artifacts or records stating that Bali has been around since the stone age, it is estimated that the first people who lived in Bali emigrated from China in 2500 BC who later develop the culture of the Bronze Age around 300 BC. This culture also includes irrigation systems and rice fields that are still used today.
History of Bali is still unclear in the early centuries, although many Hindu artifacts that have been found to lead to the first century. In 500 AD is known that the first religion in Bali is Buddhist. In addition, Yi-Tsing a Chinese scholar who visited Bali in 670 AD says that he has seen the development of Buddhism in Bali.

11th century, Hindu and Javanese influence is very strong in Bali. Even when the prince's father died in 1011 AD Airlangga, he moved to East Java, Bali community uniting under one rule and lifting his brother, Son Wungsu became ruler of Bali. Java language called special Kawi used nobility is one among the many customs and habits of Java used in Bali.

When Airlangga died in the mid 11th century, Bali remains an autonomous region until 1284 AD, when the King of East Java Bali Kertanegara conquered and ruled Bali from Java. Kertanegara killed in 1292 AD and Bali once again independent until 1343 AD when re-conquered Gajah Mada of Majapahit Kingdom.

16th century, Islam spread throughout the island of Sumatra and Java while Majapahit Empire began to collapse, causing the mass displacement of nobility, clergy, artists, and artisans from Java to Bali. However, this then makes Bali affluent and enter the golden age of culture for centuries that followed. Lombok and Bali then mastered some areas in East Java.

In 1597, Dutch sailors became the first Europeans who came to Bali though initially they had no interest until the 1800s. In 1846, the Dutch again tried to colonize Bali because it has mastered the whole of Indonesia since the 1700s. Holland then sending troops to North Bali and in 1894 they were allied with the Sasak in Lombok to beat Bali. In 1911 the Dutch finally managed to master Bali.

After World War I, a sense of nationalism Indonesian society began to grow, and then deliver the Indonesian declaration of the national language in 1928. When World War II, Japan defeated the Netherlands then occupied Indonesia from 1942 to 1945. Then Japan lost the war and the Netherlands seeks to return take over Bali and Indonesia. In 1945 Indonesia successfully declaration independence by the first president Ir. Sukarno. The Dutch government finally bestow power and the Republic of Indonesia officially recognized as an independent country in 1949.


Foreign tourists can visit Bali by using a direct flight from the country and landed at Ngurah Rai International Airport.
Air Transport

• Many direct flights from Europe, America, Australia and most of the Asian countries.

• Domestic flights to and from major cities in Indonesia landed in one of the busiest airport in Indonesia.

Maritime Transport

• The ferry to or from Java and Lombok open every day voyage. Gili Manuk liaise harbor island of Bali to Java. While the port of Padang Bai and Benoa Harbour connects the island of Bali with Lombok.

Land Transportation

• By car or bus from Java
 or Lombok after crossing by ferry.

Society and Culture

Bali's reputation as a famous tourist destination has been ingrained in the minds of many people around the world. Bali is known as a beautiful island with mountains, temples, royal and terraced rice paddies.
Bali is also known as a place where the arts and cultural traditions are very prominent as well as rural atmosphere and Hindu religious life become stronger guidance in daily life.

Bali is a delightful marine tourism ranging from modern sports such as diving, sailing, rafting and surfing can be enjoyed by thousands of tourists every year. This is where you can enjoy a luxurious life of food to the spa and message into the peak of perfection for your tour experience.


As the food of Indonesia, Bali's main food is rice served with small portions, spicy vegetables and seasoning sharp taste, as well as fish or meat and almost always served with a sauce. Bali is one of the few regions in Indonesia that non-Muslim population, therefore pork roll into a special meal. There is also a "bebek betutu" cook typical manner.

In the Jimbaran area you can eat seafood while sitting on the beach. Visit in the evening with a cool atmosphere and the breeze will make your dinner unforgettable.