Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Bakar Batu party

The Bakar Batu party has meaning grateful unique traditions and distinctive. and is a traditional ritual performed as a form of Papua thanksgiving for a blessing, wedding, welcome important guests as well as funerals. In addition, the ceremony is also conducted as a proof of peace after an inter-tribal warfare.

bakar batu papua

As the name implies, in cooking and preparing food for the party, the tribes in Papua using a coal. Each region and tribe in Baliem Valley region have its own terms to refer to coal-word. Paniai community call gapii gapii ?? or ?? mogo, Wamena people call oba Isago kit, while the call with barapen Biak society. But it seems barapen be the most common terms used.

Bakar Batu party is also an event to gather for residents. In this party will be seen how high solidarity and the people of Papua. Another meaning of this party is an expression of mutual forgiveness between people.

Feast procession Bakar Batu usually consists of three stages of preparation, roasted pork, and eat together. The preparatory stage begins with the search for fuel wood and stone to be used for cooking. Stone and wood arranged in the following order, at the very bottom styled large stones, on top of it is covered with wood, then laid out again that smaller rocks, and so on until the top is covered with wood. Then the pile of wood burned to burn out and become a hot rock. All this is usually done by men.

At that time, each tribe handed pig. Then in turn the head of a pig archery tribe. When in all pigs arrows straight off, it is a sign that the event will be a success. However, if the pigs did not die, it is believed there is something wrong with the event. If it is a funeral ceremony, usually a few grieving relatives carrying the pig as a symbol of condolence. If not, they will bring packs of tobacco, cigarettes, cooking oil, salt, sugar, coffee, and salted fish. Not to forget, when condolences each must be tight hugging and kissing cheeks.

Elsewhere, women preparing food that will be cooked. Pigs are usually cut from the bottom of the neck to groin hind legs. Entrails and other parts that are not consumed will be issued, while the part that will be cooked cleaned. Similarly, vegetables and tubers.

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The other man preparing a hole in the amount based on the large number of foods that will be cooked. Bottom of the hole was then covered with reeds and banana leaves. By using a special timber called flops apando, hot stones were arranged on the foliage. After it is then covered with reeds. On top of the reeds and then put the pork. Then closed again with foliage. On top of these leaves were then covered again with a burning stone, and coated with thick grass.

After that, hipere (sweet potato) arranged on it. The next layer is deposited reeds again with a burning stone. Then iprika or leaf vegetables such hipere, tirubug (cassava leaves), kopae (Carica papaya), nahampun (pumpkin machetes), and towabug or hopak (corn) placed on it. It is not enough tubers, sometimes it will be coupled with cuisine barugum pieces (pieces). Furthermore, the hole was backfilled again with a burning grass and stone. Top placed banana leaves sprinkled with ground as a barrier to keep the heat of the stone does not evaporate.
Approximately 60 to 90 minutes of cooking it is ripe. Once cooked, the grass will be opened and the food is in it begun to be issued one by one, then spread on the grass. After lying in the food, there are people who will take the ripe red fruit. Fruit was kneaded until the paste out. Pasta of red fruit poured over pork and vegetables. Salt and flavorings also sprinkle over the dish.

It is time for people to eat a meal that has been cooked and seasoned. All residents will be crowded around the food. Chief will be the first to receive rations in the form of potato and a hunk of pork. Furthermore, all will receive the same rations, both men, women, the elderly, and children. After that, people started eating the food.

Bakar Batu party is the most awaited event by residents inland tribes of Papua. To follow this party they are willing to abandon the fields invitation does not work for days. In addition, they are also willing to spend large amounts of money to finance the party.
This feast is often held in the Baliem Valley, Wamena district, Jayawijaya District, Papua, Indonesia.
However, the certainty of the location of the implementation of this point is uncertain. If as funerals and weddings, parties will be held in homes that have a celebration. However, when this ceremony as a thanksgiving or a peace symbol normally be carried out in the middle of a large field.

Papua geographical conditions, mainly the forests, hills, and mountains, making the access to the location of the holding becomes difficult. For those of you who want to go to Papua, you can use sea or air transport. Here's a list of ships that sailed to Papua:

KM Dorolonda sailing from Surabaya, Makassar, Kupang, Ambon, the consortium, Sorong, Manokwari, Jayapura.

KM Nggapulu sailed from Jakarta, Surabaya, Balikpapan, Pantolan, Bitung, Ternate, Sorong, Manokwari, Nabire, Serui, Biak, and Jayapura.

KM Labobar sailing from Batam, Jakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, Sorong, Manokwari, Nabire and Jayapura.

KM Sinabung, which sailed from Jakarta, Semarang, Surabaya, Makassar, smells, Banggai, Bitung, Ternate, Sorong, Manokwari, Biak, Serui, Jayapura.

As for you who want to use air transport, you can use the services of the airline Garuda Indonesia Airline (GIA), Merpati Nusantara Airline (MNA), Air Efata, Batavia Air, Express Air, and Water Trigana from Jakarta, Surabaya and Makassar.

If you've arrived in Papua, you can go on using small aircraft Flying to the hinterlands. You also can use off-road car rental.

Visitors who want to see this party is free of charge. However, if it is a party attended for funerals, the guests usually bring souvenirs.

Typically, Bakar Batu party was held in remote places, therefore it is difficult to obtain adequate facilities. However, at least in the city of Wamena, has established several lodgings that you can rent. For your eating problems also do not need to worry, because in this city there are also many restaurants.

For transportation, you can use a small aircraft that serves flights to far into the interior. Moreover, in the town of Wamena also a four-wheeled vehicle rented. If you do not have relatives or acquaintances who can guide you, you can take advantage of a travel agency in the city of Wamena.

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