Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Baliem Valley Festival

Baliem Valley, which is located in Jayawijaya, Papua Province, is one area that has an attraction for tourists, both local and foreign. One thing that makes the famous Baliem Valley is convening Baliem Valley Cultural Festival, better known by the name of the the Baliem Valley Festival.
Baliem valley pestival

In the Baliem Valley Festival, attractions tribal war scenario begins with determining the trigger war. This can be a trigger for war abductions, child murder citizens, as well as the newly opened field invasion. The existence of these triggers, causing the other tribes had to 'revenge', so the raid was carried out. Meanwhile, the opposing party will last, so the battle was taking place with an exclamation.

Mentioned that the attractions of this war do not make revenge or hostility as the theme. The theme is precisely the phrase that is positive, ie Yogotak Hubuluk Motog Hanorogo (hope tomorrow will be better than today).
Baliem Valley Festival was first held in 1989. Prior to this festival, people around the Baliem Valley, which consists of Dani, Lani tribe, and the Yali tribe, still frequent tribal wars. For them, in addition to already become a tradition handed down, the war also has a deep meaning. War is not just a race event tribal strength, but also a symbol of fertility and prosperity. According to their beliefs, if not the war, do not expect to harvest and pigs will succeed.

To avoid casualties and protracted revenge, since twenty years ago, the government imposed a ban on tribal wars. To accommodate the traditions of tribes in Papua, Baliem Valley Festival was made by the government, which includes the war party in it. Baliem Valley Festival, lasts about three days and is held in August. One reason for this feast is held in the month to commemorate the feast of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia.

In its development, not only the inhabitants of the three tribes who follow the Baliem Valley Baliem Valley Festival, but also other tribes that lived in Jayawijaya. There are about 40 tribes who follow this festival. Each tribe uses traditional dress, complete with face painting. In addition, they also carry weapons of war such as spears, machetes, arrows, and other knick knacks war.

Things to tribal war dance is indeed the main attraction in any implementation of the Baliem Valley Festival. Nevertheless, many other attractions are also very interesting to watch the tourists, such as performances Pikon or traditional musical instruments. The songs are played with this Pikon, usually tells the story of human life. There are also Karapan Pigs are also one of the interesting attractions and often cause the visitor hubbub.
In addition to the above attractions, tourists can also watch an archery contest, throwing Sege (throwing stick to predetermined targets), puradan (game rolling the wheel of wicker), and sikoko (throwing game pawns to specific targets). Competitions, besides attended by participants from various tribes in Jayawijaya District, can also be followed by the tourists who present at the festival.

Baliem Valley Festival held in the Baliem Valley, Wamena district, Jayawijaya District, Papua Province, Indonesia.

To be able to get to the Baliem Valley, visitors must pass through a major airport in Papua province, the Sentani Airport. To achieve Sentani Airport, visitors can access it by using maspakai flights from Jakarta, Surabaya, or Manado. Upon arrival at Sentani airport, visitors can go on with the Hercules aircraft or Twin Otter towards Wamena, the capital city of Jayawijaya.

To watch the festival is free of charge.
Around Wamena District, there are several lodging, even among whom there was already an international class. This is because many foreign tourists are very interested in seeing the Baliem Valley Festival, and enjoy the natural beauty of the Baliem Valley itself.


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